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2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

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District's New Brand Part of 'A New Way Forward'

District's New Brand Part of 'A New Way Forward'

Our district's 2022-27 Strategic Plan calls for “A New Way Forward” – one where we take everything that already makes Fayette County Public Schools great in a new direction. As part of that journey, FCPS has a new look that reflects movement and a commitment to continuous progress.

Why a new brand?

A new brand is essential for FCPS to communicate a world-class educational experience and present a compelling image. It is more than just a logo, colors, and fonts – it embodies the idea that FCPS is greater than the sum of its parts.

What's the inspiration?

FCPS provides a world-class education for every student. The curriculum makes learning relevant to real-world applications, preparing youths to embrace their talents, explore their interests, recognize opportunities, and strive for success. Our educators inspire and foster creativity, crafting the skills that shape the leaders of today and tomorrow. FCPS offers our community a connected, accessible school system where teachers educate, employees support, students explore, and families engage in their child’s educational journey now and in their lives beyond our care.

Why now?

Our evolution is ongoing, and the implementation of A New Way Forward, our strategic plan, began over a year ago. A new brand does not mean that FCPS has reached its final destination. Rather, it signifies that progress has been made and momentum continues. It is a testament to our commitment to constantly improving and staying ahead of the curve.

What of “It’s About Kids”?

At FCPS, children are at the heart of everything we do, and that will never change. We are committed to challenging and nurturing the minds of our students as they are the ones who will create a better future. Our new brand goes beyond a slogan to highlight the many ways we focus on students and the lasting impact of an environment where every child can thrive and achieve greatness.

Note: In conjunction with the rebranding, FCPS has moved all 70 of its websites (district and schools) onto a new platform. We appreciate your patience in the coming weeks as we iron out the wrinkles.